- Treatments
Mineral Baths
Mineral water herbal bath „Strength“
Treatment is not suitable for:
After meal
Usually, when we have planned many works or have to fulfil complex assignments, we start to prepare intensively, become anxious and get trapped in stress. When critical moments are about to come, we sort of lose our strength and our self-confidence is overshadowed by the shadow of fear. Do such things happen to you sometimes?
If yes, don't allow this to continue. Gain strength in the refreshing and soothing SPA VILNIUS bath therapy. Mineralised water enriched with purple coneflower, motherwort, sweetgrass and oregano water will restore your strength and uplift your spirits.
The cornerstone of strength is stable emotional state and positive attitude. However, the stress disturbs the balance of such states. Bath "Strength" improves the nervous system performance, supports the immune function and fuels your determination to act.
Progress and effects of bath "Strength":
- Immediately after familiarising yourself with the therapy you may enjoy the vertiginous armas of herbs and pearly and whirpool massage. Mineral water jets will relax tighten muscles, activate blood circulation in tissues and particles of active ingredients absorbed through the skin will start the therapeutic effects.
- After getting out of the bath, it is recommended not to hurry to take a shower and only to gently dry oneself off with a towel. Thus, the organism will absorb the therapeutic ingredients in a more effective manner. After the treatment, you can rest for another 30 min.
- Bath "Strength" will help you to regain the balance, inner piece and relationship with oneself. Then you will not have to be afraid of any winds of life.
- The treatment is also applied as an effective therapeutic measure in case of Da Costa's syndrome and neurocirculatory hypotonic dystonia, cellulitis, chronic fatigue syndrome, working capacity disorders, often cols and other diseases.
Recommendations: if you want to have high quality rest, you may enjoy the therapy. If you have specific complaints, a cycle of treatments will be prepared for you.