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ECO Garden

SPA VILNIUS pays a lot of attention to sanitas per cibus – health through food. As a result, we are particularly concerened about dishes made of seasonal, fresh and easily accessible products.

Can there be anything easier accessible than a garden in SPA VILNIUS territory? All staff members take care of it to make sure that grown goodies come on your table with the highest nutritional value and taste. A ECO garden, situated under the sky and designed in ornamental style, is an innovative project, held by our gardener and the kitchen staff. It guarantees the highest quality of ecological, seasonal products. The restaurant’s ECO garden is rich with herbs, different greenstuff and lettuce, even vegetables. The kitchen staff members can‘t wait for a new harvest of courgettes, carrots, pumpkins, cucumbers and other vegetables.

The first sunbeams woke herbs, lettuce and radish in the nearby greenhouse. When a summer heat comes, it will be filled with different types if red tomatoes.

The composition, reminding a manor garden, is decorated by berry bushes and fruit trees blossoming in summer time. Strawberries, blueberries, apple, pear and cherry trees, sweet cherries and currants, the whole floral variety will be the delight to one‘s eyes, attracting heady fragrances and adding a unique character and subtle taste to unusaul and delicious dishes.