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Back & feet massage "Good-bye, Tiredness"

Treatment is not suitable for:
After meal
Duration : 60min.

Sometimes contemporary life involves us so that even regular sleep cannot liberate from deep fatigue and stress. You may entrust care of your well-being to the massage professional. Back & feet massage "GOOD-BYE, TIREDNESS" with relaxing serum and self-warming seaweed mask will really recharge your energy and raise your spirits.

We wholeheartedly recommend this treatment if you:

  • With to relax from stress and tension;
  • Feel tightness in your muscles;
  • Want to relieve fatigue;
  • Have poor sleep;
  • Feel physically and mentally messed up;
  • Cannot free yourself from negative emotions and thoughts;
  • Are irritated.

During this massage, receptor parts of the body are stimulated. First, the back massage is performed. Then, you will lie on your back and a self-warming seaweed mask is put under your back. You will pleasantly feel how thousands of heat bubbles jump on the surface of your skin performing and effective micromassage. While your back enjoys this warming pleasure, the massage master will perform a reflector feet massage. This will help you to deeper relax. Then a warming and bubbling seaweed mask will be applied on your feet. After removing the mask from the spine, the back will be massaged with oil and relaxing serum and a neck massage is performed. After all, the warming mask is removed from the feet, oil is applied on the feet.

After the treatment, you will really forget how fatigue and stress look like for some time.