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Physical therapist consultation

Duration : 30min.

We all know that sedentary lifestyle isn't goof for health and beauty. Unfortunately, generally, at school we are taught to sit a lot and not to move enough. Different pains, twinges, movement difficulties begin. Such problems may be successfully treated with something which was missing in your life, i.e. properly chosen exercises, with the help of pharmaceuticals, phytotherapy (treatment with herbs), homeopathy, aromatherapy, massages and other treatments. Physical therapy is aimed at restoring the balance in the body and correct posture and sufficient mobility.

It is always helpful to consult a physical therapy professional, in particular, if:

  • You feel a decrease in the mobility of joints;
  • You suffer muscle spasms, different inflammations;
  • You suffer from depression and fatigue;
  • You feel tension in different parts of the body;
  • The mobility system disorders or the nervous system disorders were diagnosed;
  • You wish to start exercising but have not been engaged in exercises so far.

Physical therapy can also successfully improve the organism's functions in case of the cardiovascular, respiratory and gynaecological diseases. Properly arranged physical activity and rest regime may perfectly supplement or even replace pharmaceutical treatment.

During the physical therapist consultation, a manual muscle diagnostics will be carried out. If necessary, the test results may be corrected by means of the physical capacity assessment equipment. After the consultation, you will know:

  • Evaluation of your physical condition and muscle capacity;
  • Main physiological problems which must be first eliminated;
  • Recommendations on the physiotherapy treatments and consultations of other professionals which will help you to overcome such problems;
  • Personally tailored physical therapy package.

! Attention: Prices indicated in the price list are available for the treatments prescribed by SPA VILNIUS the therapist only. Otherwise, 21% VAT is applied.

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