Once upon a time, in a far-off enchanted realm, there lived a wizard who possessed the knowledge of how to aid children in unwinding and attaining a peaceful state of mind. He devised a special massage therapy, known as the Buckwheat Tale, which could soothe the body and mind of youngsters who spent their entire day amidst a flurry of fun. The ritual commences with the children being introduced to the magical attributes of buckwheat. They close their eyes and, while listening to the story, they sink into the warmth of the buckwheat, feeling utterly relaxed. As the wizard proceeds to massage their back and feet, the children embark on a journey to an enigmatic land, beyond the mystical buckwheat mountains, where all their worries and fears melt away.
The primary objective of buckwheat therapy for children is to achieve complete relaxation, which is attained through the use of ESPA's aromatherapy back, classical, and foot massage techniques. Heat therapy is also utilised to help individuals cope with stress and alleviate any feelings of irritation. Buckwheat sachets are employed as a heat therapy mechanism to alleviate stress in anxious children, while foot massage is a simple yet effective way to address various bodily ailments. The massage technique aids in balancing the nervous system, enhancing energy circulation, and mitigating the effects of stress.
"Buckwheat Tale"has numerous beneficial effects on a child's body:
"Buckwheat Tale" treatment involves several steps.
"Buckwheat Tale" utilizes various tools, including
By providing children with healthy living habits and carefree childhoods, we can help them achieve a better quality of life.
Average Mineralization Goat Milk Bath for Kids with Forest Berries | 15min . | 14,00€ |
Manicure for Kids | 17,00€ | |
Group Physical Therapy (kinesitherapy) for Correct Posture & Scoliosis Prevention | 30min . | 10,00€ |
Average Mineralization Bath for Kids "Games in strawberries" | 15min . | 14,00€ |
Mineral Calendula Inhalation for Kids | 10min . | 9,00€ |